Sunday 26 March 2017

发掘内在力量1天工作坊 Wendy Foo

今天是星期天(26 March 2017),神早爬起来,很兴奋的要去学催眠学。


地点:RG Level, Designer Office, A building beside Sunway Velocity, Cheras.

其实啊,我出席这场 Workshop 的2大最重要的目的就是:

(1)学会更换自己的潜意识 - 自我催眠术,了解怎么通过自我催眠可以加快成功步伐。
(2)帮助团队伙伴,更有效地了解自己- Increase Self Awareness & 突破他们自己的瓶颈

24岁的催眠治疗师 Wendy Foo Pui Wen
- Picture from preview class at OM Hypnotherapy, Kepong

世上有千万种的方法,但是只有5% 的人能在自己的人生中成功,为什么呢?
关键不在于方法,在于他们知道 WHY they got to do it.

当我们派名片给对象之前,必须学会主动用3 个句子形容自己,让对方想要我们的名片,多过我们想要给他我们的名片。这个可以用来审核自己对自我的认知程度。

要改变自己之前,先要了解自己,明白自己 (AWARENESS)

If you have no awareness, and if there is a negative in you mind, this negative mindset will keep on screening in your daily life. (REPETITIVE BEHAVIOUR).
BY improving your awareness level, you can STOP this behaviour.

就好像 Projector 映射出来的东西,都来自于电脑荧幕上的内容。


发掘的力量 POWER OF DISCOVERY - To Find Our Awareness.

“信念”- 让我们知道努力的方向:正面的信念,负面的信念。


Case Study 1: 赚不到钱,一定是不好的

(1) 这个是否真实?
(2) 你100% 确定吗?
(3) 这个是事实吗?
(4) 换字面的意义:Reframing/ Rephrasing The Words.


In Life, either 得到,不然就是学到  智慧。没有失败一说。
赚不到钱,是我们得不到我们所 expect 的结果,但是你有学到什么东西吗?

Case Study 2: 甩头,是一种坏习惯!

(1) 这个是否真实?(是)
(2) 你100% 确定吗? (不确定)
(3) 这个是事实吗?(不知道)
(4) 换字面的意义:Reframing/ Rephrasing The Words.
- 甩头,是不是说你甩了,就会比较舒服?是不是只要肌肉放松,这个动作就可以被替代呢?

Case Study 3: 我没有自信,经常达不到别人的要求。

Learn to switch your focus. FROM FOCUS TO OTHER, NOW FOCUS ON YOURSELF.
Does AngelaBaby pretty? Some people said she was ugly before plastic surgery, some people said she is still pretty.
She can not cater to everyone needs, as long as she feel she is pretty, that's will be great.

Everyone has their own priority and their time management. We cannot change them. But you can do what you can do in your capability.

午餐时间,一同了解不同背景的人为什么会来这次的 Workshop

很多人不知道 “要去哪里”:
故事2:看图专注于找 No.3的数量。但是讲师问的是 No.1 的数量。证明了,专注是有力量的。
故事3:买 Burger。

What you focus become REAL.
When you focus fail, you sure Fail.
When you focus SUCCESS, you sure can SUCCESS.
It is same with Projector Theory. It reflects from your computer screen inside.

Step 1: 当你有一个念头,想要成功的念头,
Step 2: 你要开始专注
Step 3: 赋予自己有能量的导向 ENERGY FORCE(包含了事业的基础功),不断的肯定自己,自动就会有行动力,生产力,
Step 4: 最后得到你要的结果


到终身目标:Meaning of LIFE.

Many people fail, because they dont go STEP BY STEP.
They hire by a job, and they wish to become MILLIONAIRE?

How fast can we handle our EMOTION, then will be how fast we can success.
事情发生不如我们所愿,心理会产生一幅 Barrier
开始引起 Negative Emotion。

从 FOCUS 在期望事情会如常发生
不如 FOCUS 回自己还能做些什么样的行动上,方能顺利迈向目标。

We always think Plan A can go, Plan B is always more effective.


Asia Country 是一个充满否定性的环境。
日积月累的影响下,长辈们的用语和思维,会长期的烙印在孩子们的潜意识里 SEEDING EFFECT :
他们会告诉你 “这个是很自然的啊”。


花的内在疗愈- 发现自我价值
现在的状况  VS 理想的状况。

自我催眠术- Understand The Power of Body Intelligent.

(1) 自我放松的3个方法:
- 渐进式/局部式的放松
- 重量放松法(身体沉下去的感觉)
- 呼吸放松法(听呼吸,慢慢的数 3 声)

(2) 设计暗示句的9大特征

例子3:我每天要认识新的 3个朋友

(1) Cause and Effect


颁发 Workshop 奖状

赶去PJ Meeting 了,没有和新朋友们照张留恋 :(

Monday 27 February 2017

New Crown Ambassador Celia Wong Helicopter Ride

Today is our beloved TQG Country Mentor Celia Wong New Crown Ambassador Recognition Day organised by Amway Malaysia. The day, i witness my FCA future again in the Amway Business.

Group photo session with JKF 

Today is a rainy day, since 6am. We are so blessing to reach at Palace of Golden Horses, Mines at 9.45am. We are so excited seeing the helicopter ready at the Helicopter Pad. It is my first time staying so near to the helicopter. I was shocked when I was noticed that it costs more than USD 800,000 for this new model, shared by the pilot.

Photos taken with Ronnie and Steve.

Many TQG ABOs from thailand, indonesia, vietnam, singapore and malaysia are there to participate in Celia Helicopter Ride recognition, under the rainy day, without a single complaints. This is TQG. A Total Quality Group.

We are going to release all the 1,000 TQG Balloons together at the open space to welcome Celia back to the palace!

Photos taken with Danny, Steve, Ronnie, Kara, and Me.

Head of Sales Ms. Amanda Kok, is accompanying Celia, riding on the helicopter and fly to Nirvana, to Dr. Wong rest place, and handing over the New Crown Ambassador Pin to our late Dr.Wong. What a company with full respect to a distributor who already passed away and spent so much money on the riding recognition! It is more than RM 22,000 for this ride. This is AMWAY. I love AMWAY.
Amway can realise many of our DREAMs, other than just giving away the money, also the respects, the value added to our life.

When we become a new Diamond, Amway will let us know a budget of new diamond celebration recognition. Some diamonds want wiring entrance, some diamonds want riding on limousine, etc. Recognition budget will be increased in proportional to the pins.

These came to my mind when we have a gathering section with Diamond Ken Lee after the lunch.

Many people are distracted very easily by the "lubangs" outside Amway.
It is because they don't have a firm POSITIONING to build on AMWAY Business.
Amway is not for us to "stay survive" or just to earn a token of money. It is there to give us an opportunity to "MAKE OUR DREAM COME TRUE" & "Adding VALUE to our life".
As what Celia shared during PHD 2017, we need to serve 3 platter of meals to our family everyday. And we use the left time, to build on our dream.

We shall go FULL TIME only when we achieved a 4 Legs Emerald. A monthly income of RM 12,000 is very good for another half to free from job and do FULL TIME. Many people are actually struggling to go FULL TIME to develop Amway business at their fastest speed. Malaysia market shall go on PART TIME basis to build the business 1st until you reach a 4 Legs Emerald. After that only go for Diamond from a strong financial foundation.

Every ABOs just need to take good care on their 20 VIP Customers Base. This can avoid the bad impression to the VIP Customers when we keep "squeezing PV" from the only 5 customers EVERY MONTH. If there is a 20 Customers (non active member), they just need to purchase a RM 200 products to use monthly from such a variety kind of products in Amway, by providing a good service.

TQG will launch TQM (Total Quality Meal: 2 Bifidus, 2 Proteins, 2 BodyKey. 200PV) very soon to penetrate the market all together in a TQM Wave.

Look for only 10 ABOs in a group who want to build the business together. Attend to TQG Educational system, we can build a really strong and solid AMWAY EMPIRE in our GEN Y world.


Rich vs Rich & Famous & Well Respect.
There are many lubangs in the world that can make money and become Rich. Property Estate is one of the very famous money making industries in Malaysia. (Due to the worse economy in Malaysia 2017, many young buyers want to buy houses but unable to secure bank loan. Actually many agents now are facing huge challenges from the market). They can really earn a lot money, and just money.

There are many successful and rich business men too. Those who are really famous and well respect in the particular industry, maybe only few of them among all who putting the same effort. Only when they can perform better than ALL and EVERY of their competitors, they can be the No.1. This will be changed especially when their competitive advantages have been leaving behind.

Most of them are not famous and well respect, like how the UTMOST RESPECT and REWARDs giving by Amway to all the achievers. Celia showed a very great living example to us. We can have her lifestyle too by duplicating how she does everything together with TQG Education System!

We can be the same like Celia. Everyone have the equally opportunities in the FREE ENTREPRISE Amway Business.

Rich in Monetary, Amway
In Amway, we saw many new high pin achievers receiving really a big amount of cash reward.
One of Amway 15 incomes "4% leadership bonus" has been increased to 6%, meaning that, from at least a RM 2,000 increase to a RM 3,000. RM 1,000 increment/month/leg.

Lets imagine, if you are an Founder Emerald, your leadership bonus has increased at least RM 3,000 (RM 1,000/leg x 3 legs) with the same performance in that particular month.
It is a total of at least extra RM 36,000 increase in a year!

As compared to a "working salary" in Malaysia, many people are working to earn a RM 3,000 for their living. A RM 5,000 to RM 6,000 for a senior position in a company, with huge responsibility on them, and overloaded tasks to complete almost everyday every nights.

Looking back to Amway marketing plan, we just need to help 2 people to become Q12 21%, and we will have RM 6,000 leadership bonuses (not including Performance Bonus and Retail Profit). And thus, we are stress free from Amway work. By following TQG Education System, we have the opportunity to leverage our success in shorter time and in long term.

Rich in Livestyle, Amway
Executive Diamond has around RM 600,000 annual income, with 3 FIRST CLASS Flight.
One of their trip to Tanzania, South Africa, 13 hours flight from Malaysia. Amway has estimated a budget of RM 84,000 to spent on 1 distributorship. Cash back of RM 50,000 for not attending to the trip.

Crown Ambassador is budgeted on RM 158,000 from Amway on 1 Distributorship.
Cash back of RM 110,000 for not attending to the trip!
Crown Ambassador has 4 FIRST CLASS FLIGHT in a year.

Thank you GOD for the opportunity to witness my future from Celia Helicopter Ride today.
Once again, congratulation to our Beloved TQG Mother Celia & late Dr.Wong, achieving NEW CROWN AMBASSADOR.